Welcome to the website of the Burkesville (KY) church!
We are disciples of Jesus who have voluntarily joined together to form the local body of believers in this community. The common bond that makes us a single body (though multiple individuals) is our allegiance to Jesus, as our Lord. You are cordially invited to visit with us at any of our worship services or Bible studies. You would be our honored guest.
About us
We are simply Christians. We look to Jesus as the head of our local body of believers, relying solely on the Word of God for guidance in what we do. It is His Lordship and teaching, through the words of Scripture that is our sole authority and direction for what we believe, how we worship and in our attempts to glorify God in our everyday lives.
Our worship may seem simple, even primitive. We are simply worshiping as we believe God directs in the Bible. The Bible presents a simple approach: singing together, praying publicly, studying together, remembering Jesus' death by partaking of the Lord's supper, and supporting the work of this body through free-will offerings.
Visitors are always welcome! Are you seeking to understand God's word better? Please, do not hesitate to contact us (P.O. Box 546, Burkesville, KY 42717) or visit one of our assemblies.
Assembly Times
Sunday AM Bible Study 9.30 AM
Sunday AM Worship 10.15 AM
Sunday PM Worship 6 PM
Wednesday PM Bible Study 7 PM​
Public Bible Studies
Sunday AM Adult Class: David through the Eyes of Others
Wednesday PM Adult Class: 1 Corinthians
- Every 2nd Thursday morning at 10.30 am at Cumberland Valley Manor Nursing Home
- Listen to Bible Talk, every Sunday morning at 8.30 am on WKYR 107.9 FM.